Shannon’s Garden

When did you start growing food and why did you become involved with Growing Neighbors?

We started dabbling in gardening about 15 years ago but became more intentional about it 7 years ago. We were introduced to growing neighbors several years ago and greatly appreciated their passion for growing food and making fresh food available to all.

What do you like to grow?

I love growing (and smelling) fresh tomatoes.

What is your favorite dish to cook from your fresh produce/garden goods?

I love to make spicy pickles out of our cucumbers. On a nightly basis we love to make a variety of salads from garden.

Who else is involved in the farmyard & related neighbor connections (i.e. friends, family, neighbors)?

Right now our backyard garden is primarily accessed and maintained by our family. We have intentions to make our front yard accessible to growing neighbors in the future.

Would you like to have neighbors contact you to help out or to harvest and enjoy the produce?

We always have excess tomatoes, grapes, and cucumbers so feel free to contact us.

Contact Shannon for more information.